Content creation is important when it comes to your marketing efforts. Without quality content, no one will stick around and you won’t be able to reach your goals with your online business. To help you master content creation, here are 10 content creation tips to help you streamline your content creation process, so you can spend less time creating, and more time doing things you enjoy.
Check out this complete ultimate content creation plan here to help you with your content creation process.
Table of Contents
Content Creation Productivity Tips
1. Work when you’re most productive
Many writers prefer working during regular daytime working hours. Others like working at night. Some like the quiet of the early morning. Whatever your preference, it’s best to write content during your most productive hours.
If you force yourself to work during your non-optimal hours, then you could be wasting valuable time. It may take you longer to finish one piece, and the quality of the work will probably suffer as well. Whereas if you work on your most productive time periods, you can complete that same piece in half the time, and to a very high standard, too!
2. Remove all distractions
Before you get down to work on your content, make sure you’ve set your phone to silent mode (or turn it off even). Close all non-work-related tabs on your browser. Exit all non-relevant apps on your computer. You need to focus on writing, and writing alone.
If you work in an office environment, you should probably look into investing in a set of good quality noise-cancelling headphones. It will help you block out all unnecessary noise and focus on your music and your work.
3. The Pomodoro technique
One technique that you can use to keep your productivity levels high is called the Pomodoro technique. You can use a timer on your computer or an app on your phone.
What you do is you set the timer to 25 minutes (one Pomodoro). Within this timeframe, you give your undivided attention to the task at hand. If your phone rings, you ignore it (you should be setting it to silent mode in the first place!).
When the 25 minutes is up, you take a 5-minute break. Then you set the clock for another 25 minutes and write again, followed by a 5-minute break. After four 25-minute segments (or 4 Pomodoros), you reward yourself with a longer break, maybe 20 or 30 minutes!
Try this technique today and see if it works for you!
Content Creation Tips

4. Finish at least 1-2 articles per day
Creating content isn’t easy, but since you’ve already got outlines for your content, you can work off of that. Of course, whatever’s on your outline isn’t set in stone. You can improve it as you go along. However, the point is that the titles and outlines you’ve created in Day 6 will help you save some much needed time.
If you’re targeting at least 2,000 words per article (and you should), then finishing 1-2 of them in a day is certainly doable. If you know the topic by heart, then you can easily write off the top of your head without needing to go on Google and do research. You just need to focus and concentrate on getting the most work done as fast as you can.
5. Don’t worry about getting your work perfect
Many established writers use this technique to avoid getting hit by writer’s block, especially if they’ve got deadlines breathing down their necks. They simply write first and edit later.
Now is not the time to obsess on your typos and your grammatical mistakes. At this point, you just want to get as many articles written up as possible. Don’t worry if your work is far from perfect. You need to get your ideas down from your head onto your Word document. Worry about the corrections later.
If you keep on pausing and going back to make small changes, then you’re probably not going to finish all the articles you’ve scheduled in your content calendar. You’ll be distracting yourself, and your ideas are going to stop flowing.
6. Save editing for last
Write freely and write rapidly – that’s the name of the game right now. This gives you time to create as much content as possible so that when you finally launch your content marketing campaign, you’ll have the ammunition to sustain it.
Depending on your preference, you can edit your content at the end of each day (but make sure you take a break first), or on the 7th day itself (meaning, you write from days 1-6 only).
Content Creation Editing Tips

Your content’s first draft is most probably not going to be presentable to the general public. If someone were to read it, they’d probably wonder why you call yourself a writer! But, hey, that’s alright. You’re not going to be uploading your first draft to your site.
Follow these guidelines to make sure your content is ready for the limelight.
7. Tweak the content structure first
Does your content flow easily? Does the end of one section transition nicely to the next one? If you need to, don’t be afraid to remove some sentences or even entire paragraphs if they don’t make sense in the content.
8. Refine your title
Even if you’ve already come up with titles in Day 6, you may still need to refine them a bit. Your title is the first thing people are going to see, so make sure it accurately matches what the content is all about.
Make your title interesting. Don’t go for click-bait titles – everyone hates those.
After checking out your title, your reader is going to read your introduction next. This is where they decide if it’s worth continuing over to the main content, or if they’re better off spending their time elsewhere. Make your introduction very interesting to hook your reader into the next section of your article.
9. Put yourself in your audience persona’s shoes

If you can’t seem to decide if your content is going to match your target’s needs, then you probably need to clear your head. Take a break if you need to. When you come back, imagine yourself as your target and ask these questions:
Do you like what you’re reading? Can you relate to the content? Does it hit your pain points? Do you find it valuable?
If no, then take the time to edit your content until you finally get the right message down.
10. Proofread, edit and format your content
Now that you’ve got your title, introduction and content structure all laid out, then it’s time to tie up loose ends.
You can use a tool like Grammarly to help proofread and edit your content. While tools like this are highly accurate, nothing still beats a human editor.
So, grab a cup of coffee and go over your content with a fine-toothed comb. Make sure everything reads well and that your audience is going to love it!
Don’t forget to add your content’s most crucial piece – your call to action! Without your call to action, your audience will be unsure of how you want them to proceed.
When reviewing your content, make sure your call to action is clear and that your content is in line with your content marketing goals.
Bonus Tip- Outsourcing
If you are sourcing these from a third-party, you can either add these to your content now, or you can add these when you’re uploading your content to your site. Either way, don’t forget to credit your source.
Once your campaign starts getting some traction, you may want to consider handing over the content creation part to someone on your team. Or you can outsource it to freelance writers. Just make sure you give them detailed information about what you’re expecting from them so they can write your content to your satisfaction.
For outsourcing, check out Online.Ph or Fiverr to get someone to start helping you right away. If you need help with finding people to outsource to, you can check out this amazing content outsourcing course, with proven system to outsource Your content creation and scale your Business.
This is a secret weapon that many people don’t talk about. It’s done-for-you-content that you can use as your own content. Check out this amazing website with resources for you to grab.
Being able to create consistent content can be difficult and time-consuming. However, as long as you focus on these content creation tips and prioritise your efforts, you will be able to streamline your content creation process and excel in your content marketing strategies.