Pin Generator in a Box 

The easiest and fastest way to create fresh Pins for Pinterest with a personalized Pin generator that lets you quickly create TONS of new pins for every piece of content you have in just minutes.

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Content Creation 101

“I love all that Elizabeth Stapleton stands for. She gives a lot of tips and tricks in her courses, resources and blog.

Your Entrepreneur Resources

In this course, you’ll learn

???? 50 Pin templates prepped and ready for some generator magic (plus some bonus templates)
???? The spreadsheet that drives your generator
???? Step by Step video tutorial on how to create your Pin Generator (it only takes 15 minutes)



Content Creation


???? Overall: Saves you so much time with Pinterest
???? Level: Beginner
???? Price: Great deal

Modules and lessons

50+ Pin templates

Video, audio and text lessons

Steps & Guide

Worksheets, checklists, notes

3 Bonus resources 

Community, support and group

Exclusive Community

About the Course

Pin Generator in a Box works with free tools, including Google Slides and Google Sheets, meaning you save money by canceling that Canva, or Photoshop, or PicMonkey subscription.

Pin Generator in a Box not only saves you hours and hours of time but also money.


About Elizabeth Stapleton

Liz Stapleton has been blogging for over 5 years and have worked as a Pinterest manager for over 2 years. She has been able to help her clients get:

???? From 0 to a reach of 450,000 in just three months
???? 5x their click through rates
???? In six months go from 85 clicks a day to over 700 clicks to their website per day

Crystal Paine


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