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Best tips to set your online business goals for 2021
Best tips to set your online business goals for 2021

I’m not going to sit here and tell you how “unpredictable” and “unusual” 2020 was. I’m also not going to tell you how you should “pivot”. We’ve all heard these terms way too many times and there’s no point in lingering on the past. 

One of the best ways to guarantee goal-setting success and set up online business goals for 2021 is to ensure that each of your goals or New Year’s resolutions fits the SMART formula. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. When your goals have these characteristics, you are much likelier to achieve them.

To welcome 2021 with open arms and prepare yourselves for the year to come, here are 10 best tips to help you set your business goals for 2021. 

Setting Online Business Goals for 2021


Setting short term, medium-term, and long term online business goals for yourself is a key to success in your life. If there are things that you want to achieve or ways that you want to grow, setting goals as stepping stones is an important part of getting there.

We all have things we would like to accomplish in our lifetime. Often, these aspirations are dismissed as unrealistic or outside the realm of possibility. But you can do and accomplish anything you believe in. With the right attitude, you can make your dreams come true and experience the fulfilling life you were born to live.

1. SMART goals are Specific

This means that your goal should be numbers-based, or have a specific goal in mind. A smart goal would be something like, “Go from 165 pounds to 155 pounds,” or “Touch my toes without bending my knees.” Both are specific goals without any vague phrasing left open to interpretation.

The more specific your goals are, the clearer it will be when you finally achieve them.

Break your large goals into smaller short-term and medium-term goals, with each smaller goal phrased just as specifically in order for them to be attainable and achievable.

2. SMART goals are measurable

This is another reason why smart goals are numbers based. To know whether or not you achieved a goal, you must be able to measure your progress. SMART goals are goals that you can track and measure that have a clear end or point of attainment. 

Being able to measure your progress is really important in goal setting and goal achievement. It helps you determine whether or not you’re moving in the right direction since you can clearly track and measure both positive and negative progress along the way.

3. Smart Goals are Attainable 

Smart goals are goals that you can actually attain. They’re not extremely farfetched goals like “Lose 100 pounds in 90 days,” because if there’s no way to achieve the goal, why set it? SMART goals are goals that you’re physically and mentally capable of achieving.

4. SMART goals are realistic

SMART goals are not only attainable, but they are realistically attainable. They are a combination of a specific achievement that you can reach and a time frame that realistically coordinates with that achievement. 

For that reason, a SMART goal would be “Lose 10 pounds in 90 days,” for a healthy weight loss of 3 to 4 pounds per month, rather than “Lose 10 pounds this week.”

5. SMART goals are timely

Smart goals have time frames, and realistic ones at that. When you put a realistic time frame on your goal, it gives you something to work for. To simply “Lose 10 pounds,” without a time frame lacks motivation. “Lose 10 pounds by my birthday” has a realistic time frame that gives you something to work for and a date for completion. 

Setting SMART goals is the best way to guarantee success in setting and achieving goals for what you want in life. By setting goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely, you can and will achieve the success you deserve!

Now that you have set up your SMART goals, don’t just stop there. It’s time to figure out how to set and achieve your goals. 

We all have things we would like to accomplish in our lifetime. Often, these aspirations are dismissed as unrealistic or outside the realm of possibility. But you can do and accomplish anything you believe in. With the right attitude, you can make your dreams come true and experience the fulfilling life you were born to live.

With time and dedication, you can find a way to get to where you deserve to be!

Goal Setting tips


Here are some additional tips that are separate from the SMART formula, but can (and should!) be used alongside them:

Write it down

You can achieve great things if you put your mind to it. But unless you write it down, your goal will remain wishful thinking.

Writing down your goals helps you to crystallize your thinking. Instead of vague generalizations, you’ll set your goals with clear objectives and an understanding of the direction you must head in order to experience the realization of those goals.

Focus on actions, instead of results 

You can control the actions you take on the path to your goals. Focus on your actions, and the results will take care of themselves. When you do, you’ll feel less pressure along the way because your focus will be on things you can control.

Break the goal down into small steps. This series of steps will serve as your roadmap. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and notice what’s working and what isn’t. If you continue moving forward and refuse to give up, you will reach the finish line.

Be consistent

Once you have a roadmap in place, consistently take action in the direction of your dreams. Things likely won’t go exactly as you’ve planned, but you can adjust your plan as you take action and receive feedback on your progress.

Whenever you set a goal, take one small step toward its fulfilment. That way, when you leave a goal-setting session, you’ve already made some progress. This will provide great encouragement for you to continue.

If you’re unsure how to proceed toward the result you’re after, get started on the path to that goal anyway. Determine the first step you need to take, and then take it. Once that’s done, ask yourself what the next step should be, and then do it! Keep it simple, and keep taking one step at a time until your goal is achieved.

Learn from your setbacks. 

There’s an old saying that claims that nothing worth having ever comes easy. When you pursue anything that’s worthwhile, you’re sure to experience setbacks. It’s how you treat the setbacks that will determine whether you succeed or fail. Learn from these experiences and welcome them as course corrections toward your inevitable success.

Celebrating success along the way

When things go your way, celebrate. Every day, visualize what success will feel like and celebrate your inevitable victory. Treat yourself to a reward when you overcome challenging obstacles. Remember that success is a journey to be savoured and not simply a destination to be reached.


I know that 2020 may have been frustrating for you, and you’re not alone in feeling thisnway. Remember that You have a greater capacity for success than you realize. Within you is everything you need to reach the dreams that are in your heart

Incorporate these steps into the pursuit of your online business goals, and your success is yours!



Hey there, my fellow entrepreneur 🙂 Your Entrepreneur Resources is here to help entrepreneurs and solopreneurs just like you with your business journey. I have taken detours and made mistakes as an entrepreneur. Now, I want to help you fast track your success and save you time and money. I'm here to help you connect with amazing mentors, support you with free and paid resources, along with everything I have learnt!

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1 Comment

  1. Esther Reyes

    Thanks a Bunch!
    Working on my Goals now. 🙂


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