This is an interview with Rozsa Karmen. A pinterest strategist specializing in tailored strategies design and analytics for brands, e-commerce stores and bloggers. She will share about how to use Pinterest for your business model, relevant KPIs, getting maximum return...
This is an interview with Kathryn Thompson. Award-winning marketing and communications professional with over 15 years of experience. She started her business consultancy firm to assist entrepreneurs in launching their projects and creating engaging content that will...
This interview is with Sterling Schuyler. A content and copywriter for new fund managers after ten years in sales and marketing. She is passionate about helping undervalued entrepreneurs to succeed. Sterling had never heard of copywriting or copywriter as a career...
This is an interview with Denise Eckert. A certified life coach at no therapist. Her unique program includes a group of health professionals with different modalities and satisfying experience in creating a balanced lifestyle. Denise said that we tend to spend a...
This is an interview with Janine Wilson, a sales consultant, and a web designer. She provides support by designing websites for other females’ businesses. So they can be productive and confident in selling. She has a story that every entrepreneur would relate...
This is the interview of Lisa Zawrotny. A caregiver, wife, mother and a business owner. She founded a positive productive system by decluttering and designing systems. The obstacles in life where she sees her state in a survival mode have taught her many lessons....